Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Mema vs The Garden

I started a canister garden on the front patio for the summer. Basic things such as tomatoes, squash, cucumber, spinach, lettuce and okra. Weeelll... the conversations with mema over said garden have been as follows...

2 Months ago...
Me: I'm thinking about doing a patio garden...
Mema: You're not digging in the ground and I'm not doing anything with it..
Me: I know, I know

1 Month ago...
Mema (ecstatic like a little kid): have you seen your plants???
Me: No, not yet why?
Mema: You have plants!!!!
Me (I walk outside to the 'garden' and see a speck of green in one pot): Um... ok...
Mema: See right there...
Me: Uh...
Mema: Right THERE (points to little green speck in one pot)

The last few weeks...
As I come in from day after day of hellish work cause this is our busy season...
Mema: Guess what... You have a tomato.
Me: Really?
Mema: Yep it's small but its there..
Which she proceeds to remind me for the next 2 days... lol

Another day... same hellish time of the year...
Mema: You now have 5 TOMATOES!! And spinach, and lettuce... I got some of the lettuce from out there for dinner tonight.
Me: ok..
Mema: oh and I watered them cause the looked droopy...
Me: Ok..
Later on that evening I walk outside and the lettuce looks like she punched the center of the plants... Oh Mema...

2 days ago ...
Me: Hey, I think I need you to water the plants while I'm on vacation.
Mema: Well I figured that much. They wont water themselves.
Me: Well they could if the Almighty decides to water them... but I want a contingency plan just in case He's busy.
Mema (laughing): Yes I'll do it.

Now, unfortunately it looks like the storms from last week have drowned a few of the plants... so on to round 2.. who knows Mema may turn out to be a gardener after all...