Sunday, March 16, 2014

Mema vs. Yoga

So my Mema tries so hard to 'keep up with the times'...

Most of our conversations are random...

And this conversation is Reason #892 why I love my 81 yr old Mema...

Mema: I'm going to get up at 6am in the morning so I can be out of the shower and your way
Me: Ok
Mema: So I can be ready in time for the contractor to get here.
Me: I need to get up early and start walking in the mornings.
Mema: Are you still doing that thing at your work?
Me: Yep, It's tomorrow
Mema: Not the music thing but the yogurt thing?
Me: Yep, it's tomorrow.
Mema: Wait.. it's not yogurt, that's what you eat ... what's that thing you're doing?
Me: Yoga. Mema, it's yoga.

Mema is awesome.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Mema vs. Valentines Day

SO. Mema... Like I said before is a baker for a hobby. She is amazing. She makes TONS of things I love... my most favorite is what's called a Candy Cake.. candybars chopped up in the cream cheese icing and the cake. And she makes actual candy at Christmas... my favorite is these Millionares that are nuts, carmel & canned milk coated in chocolate.

All this to say... Mema CAN bake...

So it was Valentines Day (A day which I loathe and despise). I had brought Mema home a dozen roses because, hey, she's 81 and deserves them. She decides she wants to 'experiment' and make a cake.

I come in and find her working hard with a small 'brick- looking' cake on a dinner plate. It's light brown and looks ... interesting.

Me: So, what kind of cake is it?
Mema: An experiment... a surprise.
Me: K, so what's in it? Flavor?
Mema: Um, you'll see.
Me: So what is in it, then? Cinnamon, sugar?
Mema: You know... I dont know... (passes a chuckle)
Me: OK. (confused... I see the bowl of white icing)... what kind of icing is this?
Mema: Um, I'm not sure..
Me: Ok now you're scaring me...
Mema: You can taste it..
Me: (tastes the icing) Um, tastes like an egg white frosting
Mema: ok.

So she proceeds to decorate the cake... after it sets for about 10 mins she calls me back into the kitchen.

Mema: Ok time to cut the cake
Me: you mean the mysterious ingredient thing in front of us.
Mema: (laughing) Well then you get to cut it...

She hands me the knife and I proceed to try and cut the cake... TRY being the key word. It was a brick... Thick all the way through. At one point it even crumbled apart instead of cutting. Mema is laughing the ENTIRE time...

Me: What the heck is THIS??
Mema: It's a diabetic cake mix and icing.
Me: Ok... (I poke the 'cake' and take a small bite... chew for a while)
Mema: How is it?
Me: It's .... well... um... it's interesting.
Mema: (takes a bite... makes a face) ... Yeah it's interesting alright... It's eatable... I was cleaning out the middle room (her baking supply storage) and found a whole case of this cake mix from when I first became a diabetic (like 10 years ago)
Me: MEMA... when you FIRST became a diabetic?? How long ago was that??
Mema: Oh it's been a few years... I'm not sure really..
Me: Ohhh Mema... That is so not cool...
Mema: I think the case has gone bad
Me: You think?!

At least it looked pretty.... Happy Post Valentine's Day....

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Mema vs Futbol (aka Soccer)

So. Those who know me, know that even though I am a girl I love to follow and watch a variety of sports. Hockey, basketball, baseball, football and soccer just to name a few. When the Olympics come on I will set my alarm so that I can watch my favorite sports live and suffer the consequences later..

Well along this vein, Mema, does not watch sports of any kind. Throughout the Olympics I was explaining that a 'skeleton' race is not one between dead people and that there is a difference between 'ice dancing' and 'figure skating'.

So this brings me to soccer. Yesterday I was out sick with a stomach bug. Mema and I were in the living room resting when the Chelsey vs Tottingham game came on. Now, I'm an Arsenal fan, so I could really care less about this game but I thought 'hey, it's on why not' ... (yes that's right guys, a straight girl that doesn't mind watching sports just because they're on).

Well Mema comes in and says...

Mema: what sport is this?
Me: Futbol in the UK & Europe, Soccer in the US.
Mema: oh ok. So I'm guessing the ones in white are on one team and the ones in blue are on another
Me: Yes

To which I proceed to explain the game (which had been scoreless up to this point with about 40 mins left to go) in great detail. Explaining about the goalies and scoring and which way was what.

To her reply: Well that's nice dear but I'm watching my show at 4p (Game doesnt end till 430).

Game continues... just as she's about to turn it Chelsey scores.. I get happy.. Mema turns it... I get up to go watch the rest in the back...

Mema: You're leaving
Me: yeah I'm gonna go watch it in the back since it's getting good now that someone scored
Mema: Oh they scored?
Me: yes Mema
Mema: Well I dont see how you could tell with them just running back and forth on a field
Me: (palm to forehead - I explained it all for what... ) They put the ball in the box looking net.
Mema: Well why didnt you just say that to begin with...

Oh Mema...

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Introduction to Mema....

My Mema... for those not familiar with Southern US names... a 'mema' is otherwise known as a 'grandmother', a 'nana', a 'oma', a 'gigi'... basically the female patriarch of a family and I love her. Through out my life she has been my rock, mentor, comedian and voice of reason. She has been there through my childhood, my parents divorce in my early 20's, my college graduations (both of them) in my late 20's and now I come home to help her (but don't tell her that... we're still telling her my bathroom is getting remodeled...) She is a independent, opinionated, mature, pleasant, God-fearing, church going, daily soap opera watching, penny pinching, wonderful woman.

She is a 10 year cancer survivor. Now, when I say cancer 'survivor' she rocked that shit like Rocky did the Russian. The doctors ended up having to take out her pancreas, gallbladder, and parts of her small instestine, large instestine, liver and stomach... and she still survived. She didnt just survive ... she LIVES. Makes the most of each day. Never mets a stranger and has lived in the same house with my Papa (God rest his soul) since I can remember. My Papa died 3 years ago but that didnt stop her... she may not be as fast as she used to be or as strong, but she's just as subborn and determined. She bakes for a hobby... breads, cakes, candy. Which are all wonderful and where I get my love for food, cooking and family.

I should have started the blog when I first moved in, but I was reluctant. It's been about 5 months now ... and I've decided with family stretched far and wide, this may be a good thing. I dont know how many posts I'll do or how often. All I know is that we've shared a lot of laughs... from her telling me the entire story line to every Christmas movie on the Hallmark Channel to (today) explaining (in detail with hand motions) how to kill a fresh chicken by wringing its neck... (yeah I told ya, she's special).

So now with out further adieu... Adventures with Mema.