Friday, March 14, 2014

Mema vs. Valentines Day

SO. Mema... Like I said before is a baker for a hobby. She is amazing. She makes TONS of things I love... my most favorite is what's called a Candy Cake.. candybars chopped up in the cream cheese icing and the cake. And she makes actual candy at Christmas... my favorite is these Millionares that are nuts, carmel & canned milk coated in chocolate.

All this to say... Mema CAN bake...

So it was Valentines Day (A day which I loathe and despise). I had brought Mema home a dozen roses because, hey, she's 81 and deserves them. She decides she wants to 'experiment' and make a cake.

I come in and find her working hard with a small 'brick- looking' cake on a dinner plate. It's light brown and looks ... interesting.

Me: So, what kind of cake is it?
Mema: An experiment... a surprise.
Me: K, so what's in it? Flavor?
Mema: Um, you'll see.
Me: So what is in it, then? Cinnamon, sugar?
Mema: You know... I dont know... (passes a chuckle)
Me: OK. (confused... I see the bowl of white icing)... what kind of icing is this?
Mema: Um, I'm not sure..
Me: Ok now you're scaring me...
Mema: You can taste it..
Me: (tastes the icing) Um, tastes like an egg white frosting
Mema: ok.

So she proceeds to decorate the cake... after it sets for about 10 mins she calls me back into the kitchen.

Mema: Ok time to cut the cake
Me: you mean the mysterious ingredient thing in front of us.
Mema: (laughing) Well then you get to cut it...

She hands me the knife and I proceed to try and cut the cake... TRY being the key word. It was a brick... Thick all the way through. At one point it even crumbled apart instead of cutting. Mema is laughing the ENTIRE time...

Me: What the heck is THIS??
Mema: It's a diabetic cake mix and icing.
Me: Ok... (I poke the 'cake' and take a small bite... chew for a while)
Mema: How is it?
Me: It's .... well... um... it's interesting.
Mema: (takes a bite... makes a face) ... Yeah it's interesting alright... It's eatable... I was cleaning out the middle room (her baking supply storage) and found a whole case of this cake mix from when I first became a diabetic (like 10 years ago)
Me: MEMA... when you FIRST became a diabetic?? How long ago was that??
Mema: Oh it's been a few years... I'm not sure really..
Me: Ohhh Mema... That is so not cool...
Mema: I think the case has gone bad
Me: You think?!

At least it looked pretty.... Happy Post Valentine's Day....

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